Planet Ertvalkuit is eindelijk gevonden! At last planet Ertvalkuit is found near Jupiler.
Er ligt een band met planetoïden tussen Jupiler en Mars. Mars bestaat voor een groot deel uit glucose. Voorbij Pluto bevindt zich ook een wolk met kleinere hemellichamen, namelijk de gordel Ertvalkuit.
(Starwatch Santa Barbara, Calif.)--A team of international scientists, with several scientists who are affiated with UC Santa Barbara, discovered a new planet called Ertvalkuit. Ertvalkuit has the size of Jupiler. The finding of this new planet Ertvalkuit is published in the September 21 issue of the journal Nature.
The planet, called Ertvalkuit, was discovered by the use of the Candlelight CoRot space telescope. This space telescope that discovered New planet Ertvalkuit was operated by the French space agency, The National d’Spatiales, or CNES. The newly discovered planet Ertvalkuit orbits a star simular to our sun. Ertvalkuit is located in the constellation Serpens Cauda. 1500 light years from earth.
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